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Zhou Lab

Lab Members

Rachel Leder (She/Her/Hers)

Rachel Leder is a third-year student in the Counseling Psychology doctoral program at UF. Her research interests are, broadly, surrounding weight stigma, diet culture, fat-phobia, and intersectionality. Outside of research, Rachel enjoys reading, taking walks outside, and watching competition baking shows.

Lindsey Maeshima (She/Her/Hers)


Lindsey (she/her/hers) is a second-year counseling psychology doctoral student from Dallas, TX. She is currently interested in research that focuses on ethnic and sexual minority health disparities, especially as it relates to the utilization and efficacy of mental health services in these underserved communities. In her free time, she enjoys reading books that range from philosophical texts to manga, hiking nature trails and exploring cities, and eating lots of sweets with tea.

Tingyu Li (She/Her/Hers)

Tingyu is a first-year counseling psychology doctoral student. After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis with a Master’s in Social Work, Tingyu spent two years providing mental health services to trauma survivors. Tingyu is interested in investigating the impact of culture and stigma on treatment-seeking, mental and reproductive health in minority women. In her free time, she enjoys making potteries, painting, and taking walks in nature.

Junsang Park (He/Him/His)

Junsang received his B.A. in Counseling from Dankook University in South Korea and an M.A. in Educational Counseling from Seoul National University in South Korea. His research interests include delineating the intersection of counseling psychology and technology and he is interested in improving the mental wellness of marginalized populations. More specifically , he is interested in developing ways to increase the accessibility of mental health services by adapting technology and minimizing its disadvantages on the efficacy of therapeutic intervention. He is also interested in exploring pathways to decent work.